- The Cabinet is the top decision making body of Government, all functions of Government sit under the authority of Cabinet.Only Parliament can undo a Cabinet decision, and only through a vote of No Confidence in the Government, which triggers a new election.Once Cabinet has adopted a policy, all parts of Government are obliged to implement it.The Cabinet works as a team to look directly at the needs of the people; it is not their role to be concerned with Ministry work programs and workloads. In some cases a Ministry is not able to implement a Cabinet decision due to lack of funding or lack of staff resources but in all such cases the Cabinet needs to be informed and given an opportunity to provide for the work to be carried out.
Cabinet members (2020 – to date)
- H.E Taneti Maamau, President and Minister for Office of te Beretitenti
- Hon. Dr. Teuea Toatu, Vice President and Minister for Finance and Economic Development (MFED)
- Hon. Ribwanataake Awira, Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Development (MFMRD)
- Hon. Ruateki Tekaiara, Minister for Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development (MELAD)
- Hon. Alexander Teabo, Minister for Education (MoE)
- Hon. Dr. Tinte Itinteang, Minister for Health and Medical Services (MHMS)
- Hon. Martin Moreti, Minister for Women, Youth, Sports and Social Affairs (MWYSSA)
- Hon. Tabeta Teakai, Minister for Employment and Human Resources (MEHR)
- Hon. Bootii Nauan, Minister for Commerce and Industry & Cooperative (MCIC)
- Hon. Tekeeua Tarati, Minister for Information, Communications and Transport (MICT)
- Hon. Mikarite Temari, Minister for Lines and Phoenix Islands Development (MLPID)
- Hon. Boutu Bateriki, Minister for Internal Affairs (MIA)
- Hon. Tarakabu Tofinga, Minister of Justice (MoJ)
- Hon. Willie Tokataake, Minister for Infrastructure & Sustainable Development (MISE)