Te kabanea ni bubura ni karikirake iaon te ran ibukin Tarawa Teinainano ma Betio, ae e bon waaki naba mwakuriana

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(Bairiki, Tarawa, Taabati 17 n Eberi 2022) ----- E waaaki ngkai te Tautaeka rinanon te Botaki ibukin Mwakurian Karikirake ao Korakora (MISE) ni mwakuriia kanoan te karikirake ae te South Tarawa Water Supply Project ke te karikirake ibukin karokoan te ran nakoia aomata ni kabane iaon Tarawa Teinainano ma Betio.

Aio bon te kabanea ni bubura ni karikirake ni waakinaki iaon Kiribati ma mwaitin te kataumwane iai ae USD$63.87 te mirion ke AUD$84,327,561 ao ni mwanenaki man te Green Climate Fund (GCF), ana Bangke ni Karikirake Atia (ADB), Bangken te Aonnaba (World Bank), te Global Environment Fund (GEF) ma a na mwaiti ae USD$4.59 te mirion ke AUD$6,059,259 ao ai bon te Tautaeka ni Kiribati.

E oioi karaoan te karikirake aei ibukin kakoroan nanon ana motinnano te Tautaeka n reitaki ma ana kataratara ae e abwabwaki ae 20 te ririki (KV20) ibukin uarokoan te marurung ao te maeuraoi man karekean raan ni mooi aika a itiaki irouia te botannaomata, ai moaraa riki ibukin tobwaan kainanoia te botannaomata ake a maeka iaon Tarawa Teinainano ma Betio n te ran bwa a aonga ni kona n reke irouia auti ni maeka ni kabane te ran ae e rangi n tamaroa 24 te aoa ni katoa bong. Aio e na rang ibuobuoki ibukin karikirakean te maeuraoi ao te rau n taainako irouia mweenga nako.

E taaketenaki atuun kaawan Kiribati n te karikirake aei ae Tarawa Teinainano ma Betio, kioina ngkai e bon rang korakora mwaitin te botannaomata iaona n te mwaiti ae e raka iaon 60,000 ao man namakinaki iai butin aoraki n aron te bekanako, ao ai aoraki riki ake a riki man te ran.

E kamatoa te Botaki ibukin Mwakurian Karikirake ao Kateimatoaan Korakora bwa e a tia n iin te tender ao iaon kawaina n rinanoaki kataubo mairouia kambwana mai tinaniku ake ana waakina karaoan uoua (2) kanoan te karikirake n aron i) iaon kanimwan mitin ake ana onika taari nakon te ran (desalination plants) n aia tabo are a tia naba n tauraoi n aron te Mackenzie point i Bikenibeu ao i Temakin Betio, ii) iaon katean te solar power generation ibukin kainanoan te korakora man taai are e na ibuobuoki ma ana iti te PUB.

Tiaki tii ngaia ma e tabe ni waaki barongaan bebwan kataubo (tender) ibukin karekean te kambwana mai tinaniku are e na waakina te mwakuri ae e bubura iaon onobwaian bwaibu n ran iaon Tarawa Teinainano ma Betio. E katautauaki bwa e na tia rinanoan aei n tokin Maati n te ririki aei.

E katautaua te Botaki ibukin Mwakurian Karikirake ao Korakora bwa n rekeia kambwana mai tinaniku aikai ao ni waekoan naba tokin butin te aoraki ae te Covid-19 are e roota aron te mwamwananga nako Kiribati ao e a waaki naba te mwakuri n te tai ae e waekoa bwa e aonga ni kona n teke te taakete ibukin tabwaninin te mwakuri iaona inanon 2027.

E teimatoa n anga bwanaana te Tautaeka ni kakaitau nakoia Tautaeka ao rabwata n ibuobuoki mai tinaniku ake a tauraoi ni mwanena te karikirake ae e rangi ni bubura aei ao man kakawaki ibukiia kaain Kiribati.


The Government through the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy has commenced the implementation phase of the South Tarawa Water Supply Project (STWSP).

This is a biggest ever project to be carried out in the country with its huge funding of USD$63.87 million or AUD$84,327,561 donated from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank (WB), and the Government of Kiribati together with the Global Environment Fund (GEF) which provides USD$4.59 million or AUD$6,059,259.

The Government of Kiribati initiated this project to fulfill both its political manifesto and long-term vision known as KV20 to enhance the livelihood of the people by providing clean and quality water to the people of Kiribati, especially to address the problem of water scarcity in South Tarawa and Betio. The STWSP will increase access to reliable, safe and climate resilient drinking water supply on a 24 hours, 7 days per week basis. All households and non-domestic customers in South Tarawa, Betio and Buota will be connected to the new water supply network via a metered connection.

The Capital South Tarawa is targeted under this project as it is highly urbanized with a population of over 60,000 and is highly affected by water-borne diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery to name a few.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy confirms that the bids for the works of two components of the project are currently being evaluated. These two components include i) the installation of two desalination plants, one at the Mackenzie point in Bikenibeu and the other will be installed at Temakin, Betio, and ii) the installation of the Solar Photovoltaic (PV) generation facility to offset the power required for operation by PUB.

Another large international tender will be advertised soon for the replacement of water supply networks on South Tarawa and Betio including operation, maintenance and capacity development of PUB with the World Bank’s recommendation form of contract.

The Ministry expects that the implementation of the project’s main component will be carried out once the winning bidders are confirmed and impacts of covid-19 eased in order to accomplish its target to complete this project in 2027.

The Government of Kiribati wishes to extend its deepest appreciation to its donor partners for their continues supports in financing this huge project which is very useful for the lives of the people of Kiribati.


For more info, contact:

Communications& PR Unit, Office of The President, P.O Box 68, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati

Tel: +686-75021183, Fax: +686-75021466, Mobile: +686-73026636; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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